Planning Ahead: Women in Construction (WIC) Week 2018

South Atlantic Region WIC Week

Rhonda Baker, CIT of the Columbia # 113 Chapter is your Regional Chair for the WIC Week Committee and is a great resource for the event! For assistance, email Rhonda at: [email protected]

Don't forget to use the National WIC WEEK Website for information and great past event ideas:

The SAR Leadership Task Force is here as a resource for your PR/Marketing, Membership, PD&E and WIC Week Committee to promote WIC Week on a regional level. Our region communications and marketing committees will be sharing information from your events on our website, social media, and newsletters so if you have anything you would like promoted before hand or after please let us know.

Promotion of WIC Week is a great opportunity to make the community aware of your chapter events! Include your PR/Marketing, Membership and PD&E committees in your activity planning for press releases, speaker acquisition, jobsite tours, events, etc.

The SAR Leadership Task Force is working on a promo video for WIC Week 2018 and should be releasing that prior to February 15, 2018. Be on the look out for it!

National Membership and PR/Marketing Committee hosted a Planning Ahead: WIC Week 2018 webinar on January 10, 2018 with great ideas for WIC Week. Click the link for more information.

There will be a follow-up conference call on March 14, 2018, titled, “Leveraging WIC Week To Boost Membership”.  Subscribe to future conference calls by contacting Crissy Ingram at [email protected].

Need to increase collaboration of the big committees in your chapter? Contact the SAR Regional Leadership Committee:

SAR Regional PR/Marketing Chairs: Samantha Hedgepath [email protected] and Susan Clary, CIT [email protected]

SAR Regional Membership Chairs: Nichole Kopenhaver, CIT [email protected] and Carol Chapman, CIT [email protected]

SAR PD&E Chairs: Melody Mabe [email protected] and Amy Mong [email protected]

SAR Communications Chairs: Emily Herndon [email protected] and Chrissie Slater [email protected]

Good luck with your WIC Week 2018 planning!